Empire (UK)



Director Kevin Macdonald reveals four key moments that shaped his documentar­y His preconcept­ions were challenged

“When I was first approached, I wasn’t interested. Nicole David, who was Whitney’s film agent, said she never understood why her life went the way it did. That was intriguing. And then she sent me a New Yorker article about Whitney that took her seriously as a musical genius whose social impact was enormous. I was fascinated and thought maybe I had underestim­ated her.”

the family got on board

The family were incredibly brave and it’s been difficult for them. But they were as good as their word. Right at the start I said to them I’d only do this if they’d give me final cut. There are things they didn’t want in there, but they accepted it when I said they had to stay. Because I think it’s been a therapy session for them. Especially for her brothers.”

he interviewe­d Bobby Brown

“It was an achievemen­t to get him to appear, but he’s not yet psychologi­cally able to talk honestly about it. Maybe he never will be. You can see quite a lot in the exchanges where he’s refusing to talk about drugs — sometimes people say more by their refusal to speak. I feel sorry for Bobby more than anything else. I think he’s a bit of an idiot, but I don’t think he’s a bad person.”

he discovered a dark secret

“There was something so distant about her. It reminded me of someone who’d been traumatise­d in childhood. And so I started to ask. Gary, her brother, said he’d been abused so I asked about Whitney and he was non-committal. Eventually Mary, Whitney’s assistant, said she wanted to talk about it. She felt it would encourage other people to come forward to talk about these things.”

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