Empire (UK)


Big films tackled by little people


ELIJAH DEEMING, 8 THE KARATE KID (1984) Did you enjoy the film?

Yes, I did, because it was funny and exciting. The painting “Up! Down!” bit was very funny.

Had you heard of it before you saw it?

I didn’t know what it was about but I had heard of it. I’m not quite sure how I expected it to be — but it wasn’t how the film was!

Who was your favourite character?

Mr Miyagi — he often acted strangely and made me laugh.

And the best bit of the film?

When Mr Miyagi suddenly came over a fence and saved Daniel from the bullies when he was being beaten up.

Who was your least favourite character?

The bullies’ karate teacher.

And the worst bit for you?

I didn’t like it when Daniel got badly hurt in the tournament — I was worried he wouldn’t be able to fight.

Do you think you could do the crane kick Daniel does at the end?

Errr… maybe! But not very well [laughs].

Would you now like to do karate?

Definitely. Me and my sister have been doing lots of bits from the film around our house since we watched it.

How many stars out of five would you give The Karate Kid?


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