Empire (UK)


Hey, where does Anna Kendrick keep her milk? In cups! Like the song!


Have you ever knowingly broken the law?

I did break into a house with a friend once when we were 14 or 15. We knew nobody was living there and there was no furniture inside. We noticed there was a window cracked open, so we went back under cover of darkness and broke in and wandered around and felt really badass.

What one thing do you do better than anyone else you know?

I kind of gave up the goods on my hidden talent with the ‘Cups’ thing. I am out of hidden talents now, because I have revealed all of my talents.

What is the worst thing you’ve ever put in your mouth?

Once when I was in Tokyo, I went to the fish market in the morning. I ate sushi right by the sea, and I thought I could be really cool and groovy to eat sushi for breakfast, but I’m just not here for raw fish in the morning.

When were you last naked outdoors?

A fair amount on sets, because I have to get changed in weird locations. I’m not completely outdoors, but I am in just a white fabric tent that’s not even bolted to the ground. I had to get changed in a graveyard for A Simple Favour. It felt very strange to know that all that stood between me and an entire graveyard was a very thin piece of fabric and I was getting completely nude.

How much is a pint of milk?

Well, I’m sure you can buy it in pints, but really the closest thing we have is quarts, and I think that’s $2 or $3 depending on whether you’re going for the schmancy organic stuff. I don’t buy it much. I don’t have anything against milk, but I don’t eat much cereal these days.

What is the best thing you’ve stolen from a hotel?

Oh, definitely those little vibrator kits. Every time I’m in Vegas, I’m like, “Oh yeah, this hotel room is definitely going to have one of those intimacy kits.” It’s a certain kind of hotel, and there’s gonna be a little vibrator in the hotel room somewhere.

Who was your first movie-star crush?

My first was Christian Bale as Jack Kelly in Newsies. He’s got kind of a semi-long hair situation going on, and he’s fighting for fair wages for the news boys and it’s just very intriguing. I mean, frankly the entire cast of Newsies is still my crush.

What’s your favourite smell?

I miss those sets of coloured markers everyone had in elementary school and they all smelled different. The pink one smelled so good that I wore it out and it got all dried up because I would spend all day smelling it. So whatever that smell is. I would wear that as lotion if I could.

Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

No. All my friends who say they’ve had paranormal experience­s say I never have because I’m a sceptic so they don’t come to me. I’m like, “That’s fuckin’ convenient.”

Do you have a nickname?

A couple of people, when I was first making movies, gave me AK-47, which is why my handle on Twitter is Anna Kendrick 47, and also because Anna Kendrick was not available. I do think that is a little too cool for me, but I’m quite happy with that.

What movie have you seen more than any other?

The Women, 1939. That and Star Wars. When you quote Star Wars, like a deep-cut line, people still usually get it. But I find myself quoting deep-cut lines from The Women and getting very little reaction. It makes it even more exciting when someone does know it. It’s like the clouds part and the angels sing and, “Oh, here’s who I’m going to be talking to for the rest of the night.” It’s almost exclusivel­y gay men over the age of 50, but I’m absolutely thrilled every single time. HELEN O’HARA A SIMPLE FAVOUR IS IN CINEMAS FROM 21 SEPTEMBER

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