Empire (UK)



Out 19 NOVEMBER / Cert 15 / TBC

twelve years Star Trek had been off our television­s before Discovery. twelve long years where the memory of Enterprise stood as the headstone to Gene roddenberr­y’s original vision. there have been movies, but it wasn’t until Discovery that Star Trek finally returned to our living rooms. And what a homecoming it is. As cinematic as J.J. Abrams’ big-screen reboot, injected with an edge-of-the-seat episodic structure and a high-stakes plot, it elevates tv Trek to a whole new level. Sonequa Martingree­n’s passionate, maverick lead and Jason Isaacs’ ruthless captain head up a Trek franchise with spine as well as heart, its unflinchin­g attitude and battles reminiscen­t of DS9’S Dominion War at its peak. Discovery arrives doing warp nine with shields up, photon torpedoes flying and with brilliantl­y reimagined Klingons, to boot. this is essential Trek, but with enough crossover to woo the uninitiate­d as well.

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