Empire (UK)


- DJ

Dave Mclean

Conor Berry, Tara Lee, Sean Connor

Davie (Conor Berry) is a late ’70s Dundee kid with the gift of the gab who can’t stay out of trouble. With a broken leg shattering his footballin­g dreams, he develops an ambition to promote gigs, which brings him into perilous contact with the local gangsters. Director Dave Mclean is also Schemers’ producer, co-writer and director, as well as being a successful rock promoter — the parallels are clear. Davie’s tale is told with a sense of humour, but that doesn’t excuse Mclean borrowing heavily from other, better filmmakers (Danny Boyle mainly) and employing hoary editing tricks to paper over cracks created by an inexperien­ced cast and an ultralow budget. Mclean fails to make any of his characters convincing, interestin­g or likeable — least of all his hero: himself.

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