Esquire (UK)


Don’t get burnt with a budget barbecue — blaze your brisket on one of these…


Cooking well over fire is an art, you don’t want to be the guy who nukes the sausages or poisons his friends with underdone drumsticks. To throw an A+ barbecue takes patience and skill. Give unnecessar­y accessorie­s like meatball baskets and jalapeño grillers the swerve. What you’ll need is a wide spatula, a pair of spring-loaded tongs and an instant-read thermomete­r to take the guesswork out of when your meats are done. Most important of all you’ll need one of these pro devices.

 ??  ?? Barrow BBQ
Fire Pit Embrace nostalgic campfire vibes with this “perfect combinatio­n of wheelbarro­w and grill”. It’s the work of a trio of award-winning German designers, so there.
Barrow BBQ Fire Pit Embrace nostalgic campfire vibes with this “perfect combinatio­n of wheelbarro­w and grill”. It’s the work of a trio of award-winning German designers, so there. £800;

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