The Chronicle (UK)

We love reading at Callerton!

- By Grace, Brooke, Aaron, and James

AT CALLERTON ACADEMY the staff and students are committed to, and passionate about, reading. Our Principal, Mrs Innes, believes that competency in, and enjoyment of, reading is the key to unlocking education in all subjects. To embed our reading culture, we have many opportunit­ies across the school week to read. We have reading lessons where we read for pleasure, independen­tly; we do whole school reading where we all read the same novel; and we read academical­ly in all our subjects.

To support our love for reading, Callerton Academy is fortunate to have a library which is filled with a diverse range of authors and books that staff and students have

contribute­d to. In partnershi­p with New Writing North, our school was selected to take part in a new initiative called Balance the Books. This ensures that the books in the library are diverse and represent people from all cultures and ethnicitie­s. Head of Teaching and Learning in English, Miss Anderson says: “I think Balance the Books is a wonderful initiative as it can expand student’s understand­ing of different cultures and increases our acceptance of everyone”.

At Callerton Academy, we also have many reading competitio­ns and prizes to reward our resilience and progress in reading. We have a weekly tutor competitio­n, which records how many words each tutor group has read, as well as weekly certificat­es to reward students who have met certain benchmarks in their reading. Furthermor­e, we have a Star Reading Competitio­n at the end of every half term. This is where every member of staff chooses a Star Reader and they receive an extra special reward for their continued hard work.

We are fortunate that Callerton Academy values the importance of reading and our shelves are stacked with a wonderful variety of books ready for you to read at our amazing school!

 ?? ?? Brooke, Grace, James and Aaron enjoying their favourite books
Brooke, Grace, James and Aaron enjoying their favourite books

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