Evening Standard - ES Magazine

...being a man

Are you proud to be a man?


‘There’s nothing shameful about it, but I wouldn’t go around announcing I’m proud to be a man unprompted.’ Saul, 24

‘What, the treatment of women for millennia, all those wars, all that neeeeever-ending talk about football, you must be joking.’ Nick, 56

‘Of course, I spent a lot of money on this outfit.’ Alex, 26

‘I truly think that most men are, or want to be, positive influences in and on society, but we’re dragged down by a vitriolic few who peddle some really horrible narratives.’ Oscar, 22

‘No strong feelings here really. But I do quite like my calves.’ Josh, 34

‘I am proud to be a gay man. Other than that, I do not feel the male of the human species has done much to make me feel any sense of pride… just shame and embarrassm­ent. And historical­ly white men are the worst. So a resounding no from me.’ James, 39

‘I’m proud to be a human soul that doesn’t hold back from expressing themselves any more.’ George, 35

‘I try to ensure I’m a father — and a man — my son can look to and be proud of. But

I am aware of the inherent privilege I have as a (white, straight) male and feel somewhat embarrasse­d by that.’ Charlie, 40

‘Not particular­ly — but nor am I ashamed of it.’ John, 74

‘I’m proud to be a human being!’ Roop, 85 ‘Yeah, sure don’t mind it.’ Jasper, 13

‘I feel proud to be a man when I have positive male role models in my life, such as my dad or my mates. On the other hand, I feel ashamed when I see men like Andrew Tate, who believe that their gender makes them better than everyone else.’ James, 24

‘I’m not proud of all men, but I’m proud of the man I am.’ Mike, 31

 ?? ?? Embracing manhood:
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air guys give it a go
Embracing manhood: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air guys give it a go

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