Evening Standard



You should point out that, contrar y to your ar ticle, On the vaper trail (March 26), smoking of “electronic” cigarettes is not allowed on the Tube.

Jonathan Kempster

If the great and the good of London (Ar ts and business leaders back Garden Bridge, March 26) think this bridge is a wonderful idea, why does it need £60 million of public money? For most Londoners this is an expensive folly which we won’t be able to cycle over and will actually be closed for private par ties for a large number of weekends every year. This is project by the rich for the rich.

Paul Wheeler

Why no mention of Richard III’s burial in the Standard on March 26? How parochial can you get? This was a great historical event.

L Topps

Your piece, A&E GPs spent £13 million on consultant­s (ES, March 26), may have given the reader the impression that Clinical Commission­ing Group members in west London spent £13 million on employing front-line medical staff. Unfor tunately, the ‘’consultant­s’’ in question are just wealthy firms of management consultant­s.

Under the present government’s Health & Social Care Act, more and more taxpayers’ money is getting siphoned off by such firms, together with firms of accountant­s, lawyers and public relations advisers, instead of being spent directly on providing good quality healthcare.

Francis Prideaux

Can we get through one week without your paper endorsing Uber? How about an ar ticle from a cabbie’s point of view?

Claire Henderson

Please forgive me for not sobbing in sympathy at the plight of the poor cyclist (Drivers must stop treating cyclists as their enemies, March 26). My experience of cyclists in the capital is as follows — trying to wipe me out on pavements and crossings, speeding along clearly marked “no cycling” areas, using the footpaths in Richmond Park as racetracks, with totally reckless over taking, and almost invariably becoming abusive and aggressive when they are challenged.


So Ruper t Murdoch thinks the BBC is foolish for not keeping Jeremy Clarkson. Is there anything else he would turn a blind eye to in pursuit of popular media?


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