Evening Standard

Clegg is right to call May to arms

- D Rosa Simon Diggins Guy Battle, chief executive, The Social Value Portal

NICK Clegg’s letter to Theresa May is a fitting call for her to come to her senses [“Dear Theresa, don’t miss this opportunit­y to unite the nation”, Comment, October 17]. But these are just words and, unfortunat­ely, words are invariably ignored.

Who will step in to save our economy and stand up for the

16.1 million Remain voters? Let’s not also forget the millions who voted for Brexit but feel a growing regret now that they realise there was no plan and that they were lied to. Many youngsters were too young to vote but are now moving rapidly towards a potential recession. Who will represent their views?

With a big lead in the polls, the Conservati­ve Party has free rein to do what it pleases after a complete lack of challenge from the Labour Party following its disastrous leadership fiasco. We are now at the mercy of a Prime Minister who will not listen to at least half of us and instead charges ahead with Brexit against our wishes.

Words are simply not enough to stop our country being hurled into the preventabl­e decline that Brexit will bring. We need action now. NICK Clegg is right to highlight what Theresa May should have said at the Tory party conference. However, he is misguided if he thinks any Conservati­ve leader would spell out the real consequenc­es of Brexit.

For, while the EU referendum gave inchoate voice to those who felt left behind by our “globalised brave new world”, it was occasioned by an irreconcil­able split in Tory ranks and, if that party has any discernibl­e principle, it is that it must be in charge, even if we are heading towards the rocks.

To place its survival above that of the country is, of course, the most terrible solipsism of any political party. However, I would challenge Clegg to prove he is the leader no Tory ever will be and lead a genuine movement of “citizens of nowhere” to keep Britain open, free and proudly European.

We are all Leavers now, but please let us not throw the baby out with the bath water Guy Battle

NICK Clegg was spot-on in his open letter to Theresa May; the economy is key to everything and must not be dismissed as a secondary issue.

I work in the property industry and studies such as that published recently by Oliver Wyman say that almost 71,000 direct jobs will no longer be viable in the City if we lose our “passportin­g” rights. We are all Leavers now, but please let us not throw the baby out with the bath water.

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