Evening Standard

Stop the UK state visit until Trump thinks again on travel ban

As well as being discrimina­tory, the President’s new rules play into the hands of terrorists and extremists such as IS


turning its back on the global refugee crisis. This can only be tackled if all the nations of the world play their part and work together. As of December last month 65.3 million people around the world were displaced from their home as a result of war or persecutio­n — and that number is increasing faster than ever before. One in every 113 people in the world is a refugee. No one nation or even continent can manage this alone. We all need to do more — including London and Britain — and now is not the time for the great nations of the world simply to turn their backs and walk away.

Worst of all, I fear this policy will make both the US and Britain less safe in the long run. It plays straight into the evil hands of Islamic State and other terrorists and extremists, who are trying to convince desperate young people across the world that Islam and the West are incompatib­le, that we are somehow their enemy. Our job is to show just how wrong they are — to prove that Muslims can succeed, flourish and practise their religion freely and peacefully in the West.

I’m relieved that the Prime Minister, Theresa May, has finally seen sense and joined the worldwide criticism of this ban. I will work closely with the Government to help and support every Londoner that has been affected.

But by rushing to Washington, standing squarely with President Trump and being slow to speak out, the Prime Minister could be accused — not unfairly — of not doing enough to call out the dangerous and divisive attitude of the new regime in Washington.

The UK-US alliance is rightly known as “the special relationsh­ip”. Our nations not only share a long and great history but an absolute respect for the values of f re e d o m, d e mo c r a c y, tolerance and diversity. Britain and the US have so much in common — they are seen the world over as beacons of freedom and liberty. But over these past few days something on the other side of the Atlantic changed.

The Prime Minister must be clear with President Trump that his actions are unacceptab­le for a liberal, open democracy. And we should not be seen to be endorsing them. That is why we must now rescind the offer of a full state visit for President Trump — until this ban is lifted. I don’t believe the people of London will support rolling out the red carpet until this happens.

Great friends must warn each other when they are making a mistake. It’s the mark of a genuine mature relationsh­ip. And we in Britain have an obligation and a responsibi­lity to make crystal clear to President Trump that this ban is a mistake — and to urge him to put it right.

 ??  ?? Protest: Muslim men in Detroit praying after the ban on people from some Muslim countries travelling to the US
Protest: Muslim men in Detroit praying after the ban on people from some Muslim countries travelling to the US

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