Evening Standard

Allan the right man for diversity speech?


MARVELLOUS to hear that law firm Nabarro and headhunter Fidelio are getting their teeth into the politicall­y correct issues of the day.

Next month, the duo will be hosting a seminar on “diversity in UK corporates”. Quite right, too. And who has it booked to address the troops on the need for diverse boardrooms? Step forward one John Allan, the Tesco chairman who only last month had to grovel after complainin­g in an unguarded moment that white men were an endangered species in British boardrooms.

His comments provoked a backlash from women’s groups and MP Yvette Cooper, who pointed out that he chairs a board of 11, eight of whom are white men. Allan’s blunder even prompted a snazzy new twitter hashtag #boycotttes­co. Shareholde­rs may be forgiven for hoping he’s learned to keep his trap shut.

TENDER documents for Donald Trump’s wall on the Mexican border are stipulatin­g that workers on the controvers­ial project are paid a minimum of $10.20 an hour — when Mexico’s minimum wage is a princely 80.04 pesos ($4.19) a day. What price a flood of illegal immigrants from south of the border to cash in on the wall supposed to be keeping them out?

NO chief executive yet to run the merged Vodafone India and Idea telecoms firm. Intriguing to see in the press release on the deal that the appointmen­t of the top boss will be made “on the principle of ‘the best person for the job’ ”. A change of policy, presumably.

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