Evening Standard

I want a military parade, says Trump. You’re a new Napoleon, say Democrats

- David Gardner US Correspond­ent

DONALD TRUMP is demanding a parade in Washington to show off America’s military might.

The Pentagon was today reviewing potential dates as Democrats criticised the idea as more suitable for a dictator than the US commander-in-chief.

The president reportedly asked his generals to organise a parade after being impressed by France’s Bastille Day spectacula­r during a visit to Paris last July. “It was one of the greatest parades I’ve ever seen,” he said at the time. “We’re going to have to try and top it.”

But Jackie Speier, a Democrat on the House armed services committee, told CNN: “I was stunned ... we have a Napoleon in the making here.”

Military parades in Washington DC have only been used to mark victory at the end of conflicts and they are rare in most Western countries. North Korea is planning to show off dozens of longrange missiles at one tomorrow.

Last May Russia held a huge Victory Day parade and flypast with ballistic missiles, tanks and 10,000 troops. Confirming the idea, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said: “President Trump is incredibly supportive of America’s great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe. He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebratio­n at which all Americans can show their appreciati­on.”

But Democratic congressma­n Jim McGovern tweeted “What an absurd waste of money! Trump acts more like dictator than president.” The Twitter account of DC’s Democrat-controlled council quipped: “Tanks but No Tanks!” Lt-Gen Mark Hertling, a retired former commander of the US army in Europe, said: “I don’t know a whole lot of soldiers who like them.”

Mr Trump told Pentagon top brass about the idea at a meeting last month, the Washington Post reported yesterday. A military official was quoted saying: “The marching orders were: I want a parade like the one in France.”

Two dates have been mentioned so far — Independen­ce Day on July 4, or November 11, which is Veteran’s Day in the US and Armistice Day.

 ??  ?? Salute: President Trump and wife Melania at the Bastille Day military parade with President Macron. Mr Trump said: “It was one of the greatest parades I’ve ever seen”
Salute: President Trump and wife Melania at the Bastille Day military parade with President Macron. Mr Trump said: “It was one of the greatest parades I’ve ever seen”

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