Evening Standard

Let’s not condone suffragett­e violence


RUTH Davidson and those supporters of a posthumous pardon for the suffragett­es have in their passion for this important centenary for women’s votes misplaced their judgment. While it is undisputab­le that these great champions for women’s rights suffered greatly for their justified cause, their means and methods broke the law.

We should therefore not be rewriting history but celebratin­g people like the suffragett­es who forced a change in society and the way we live for the better.

Their slogan “deeds not words” was a demand on the politician­s to change and give women the vote but it was also a call to arms under which some horrific events took place, including arson, attempted murder, the placement of bombs and the wilful destructio­n of property and works of art.

We would not advocate acts of terrorism today to achieve our ends and nor should we condone those of the past by the suffragett­es.

Claude Keith

I WAS glad to read in Sam Leith’s column that he and his family enjoyed the women’s suffrage event at the Museum of London on Sunday. I was there too for the London

Visions exhibition, but unfortunat­ely the women’s suffrage event took place in the same area. It was bedlam. I ended up squashed up against the photograph­s and unable to enjoy the exhibition. Perhaps the museum could choose the location of their exhibition­s more carefully?

Julia Bristow

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