Evening Standard

Promoter of disastrous ‘luxury’ festival backed by top models admits fraud

- Matt Watts

THE promoter of a disastrous “boutique” festival in the Bahamas endorsed by global stars has pleaded guilty to wire fraud. Billy McFarland, 26, agreed to serve up to a decade in prison for lying to investors in the Fyre Festival and sending false documents.

Promoted as “the cultural experience of the decade” with gourmet food and luxury accommodat­ion, Fyre saw revellers housed in leaky white tents, surviving on cheese sandwiches and dodging leaking sewage, while music acts cancelled their shows.

The festival took place on the Exuma islands last April and May. Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowsk­i and other models and stars urged people to buy ticket packages ranging from $1,200 to more than $100,000. But fans hoping to see Blink-182 arrived to learn they cancelled.

In court in Manhattan, McFarland told US district judge Naomi Reice Buchwald: “I deeply regret my actions, I apologise to my investors, team, family and supporters who I let down,” He said he had planned “a legitimate festival” but “I grossly underestim­ated the resources necessary to hold an event of this magnitude. In an attempt to raise ... funds, I lied to investors about various aspects of Fyre Media and my personal finances. Those lies included false documents and informatio­n.” A lawsuit filed in LA called the festival “a get-rich-quick scam”. It said inadequate food, water, shelter and medical care left people stuck on a remote island in a “dangerous and panicked situation”.

McFarland also admitted giving a ticket vendor false informatio­n about Fyre Media’s financial condition to induce them to pay $2million (£1.4 million) for advance tickets. He is on bail and sentencing was set for June 21.

 ??  ?? Guilty: Billy McFarland. Left, Fyre Festival and Emily Ratajkowsk­i
Guilty: Billy McFarland. Left, Fyre Festival and Emily Ratajkowsk­i

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