Evening Standard

Pain of ‘car dooring’ is so hard to forget


FURTHER to Laura Kenny’s article [“Stay on your bike: how to stop car doors hitting cyclists” June 20], I am a car driver and (in central London) a cyclist, one who stops at traffic lights and crossings. I’ve been “car doored” about five times. The last incident in 2016, on the zig-zags approachin­g a zebra crossing, left me in A&E with two cut tendons that were operated on in 2017, and two frayed muscles that were seen to in February 2018. I’m still waiting for the thumbs-up for my surgeon so that I can start cycling again as my arm is still weak.

Opening a door to danger is an offence that one can be charged with, even if no one is injured, but after two years of pain it’s of little comfort to me that the person was charged. It would have been far better if it had been avoided in the first place.

Marco Volino

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