Evening Standard

MPs ‘will block extra £15bn payment for waffly declaratio­n’

- Joe Murphy and Kate Proctor

TORY Brexiteers today threatened to block extra payments to the European Union to prevent Theresa May extending the time that Britain stays subject to its rules and fees.

Right-winger Jacob Rees-Mogg, who chairs the European Research Group, said MPs would not vote to pay £15 billion extra to Brussels for a mere “waffly political declaratio­n”. Voting to block payments would torpedo the PM’s negotiatin­g stance and raise the risk of a chaotic no-deal Brexit.

The Prime Minister has confirmed she is considerin­g an option to extend the transition period until almost 2022 if it would help trade talks. But Mr ReesMogg told Radio 4’s Today programme: “I think it will be very hard for anyone to justify this to their constituen­ts.”

Jeremy Hunt denied Mrs May had “capitulate­d” to the EU, telling Today: “The reason why this week has been difficult is because Theresa May has not buckled. She has held firm.” The Foreign Secretary appealed to Tory MPs to be as united as the EU 27 countries have been, in order to strengthen her hand.

He affirmed that the EU’s proposed Irish border backstop was not acceptable, suggesting that Britain was pushing for a form of break clause to ensure a backstop could not be misused.

Former Internatio­nal Developmen­t Secretary Priti Patel lambasted the Prime Minister for “concession after concession” and told Talk Radio that Britain should be ready to walk out.

EU negotiator Michel Barnier today warned that a deal could fall apart over the Irish border impasse. He told French radio that a backstop is a “prerequisi­te” for divorce talks that were otherwise “90 per cent” agreed, because it was a “condition for peace and stability for this island following many tragedies”.

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