Evening Standard

Change how we shop and end our reliance on pernicious palm oil


logging gangs going in and raping the women and daughters of these native communitie­s.” She recalls palm oil plantation­s where “tractors were lined up in a row to bring the jungle down as quickly as possible”. The loss of tree roots sees the soil drain into the rivers, turning the waters red and killing fish. Deforestat­ion of what is, largely, peat jungle releases vast quantities of trapped carbon into the air, accelerati­ng global warming.

Orang-u glad you saw me?

Ads such as Iceland’s can only help, says Rewcastle Brown. “It plugs into grassroots shoppers and gets that message across that we have a choice over what we buy,” she says. “And the publicity’s great. I’ve been banging on about this for 10 years but I had to damn well get a story that overthrew a government before I could get anywhere.”

The ad itself has proved controvers­ial. On November 9, Iceland Foods tweeted: “You won’t see our Christmas advert on TV this year because it was banned. But we want to share Rang-tan’s story…” It wasn’t actually banned, just judged unfit, yet the furore sent it viral. James Corden shared the video, tweeting: “This commercial was banned from TV for being too political. Everyone should see it.”

The business move away from palm oils will cost Iceland £5 million but gen- erated generous publicity. This week it deployed animatroni­c orang-utan models in London to walk the streets.

“Come to Borneo and Sumatra,” says Galdikas. “Once you visit the habitat countries you are helping preserve orang-utans and other wildlife. It increases the importance of these animals through tourism, and tourism is a powerful money-generating industry. Or donate to Orang-utan Foundation.” Last orders at the last-chance saloon.

 ??  ?? The future’s orange: clockwise from main, an orang-utan in Borneo, the Iceland ad and Clare Rewcastle Brown
The future’s orange: clockwise from main, an orang-utan in Borneo, the Iceland ad and Clare Rewcastle Brown

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