Evening Standard

Landlords angered over extension to eviction ban

- Joanna Bourke and Alex Lawson @es_jobourke @MrAlexLaws­on

COMMERCIAL landlords were today left fuming while tenants rejoiced at the prospect of the Government extending rules banning them from evicting those unable to pay the rent.

A moratorium on business evictions, introduced by Downing Street in April to help retailers and restaurant owners forced to shut sites for the lockdown, had been due to end on September 30 but the Government was today reported to be looking at prolonging it to the turn of the year.

Landlords and their tenants have been at loggerhead­s over any extension. While some have agreed six-month rent holidays, many have not, leaving tenants fearing they will be unable to pay the looming outstandin­g rent bill.

Trade associatio­n UKHospital­ity estimates hospitalit­y companies owe £760 million of unpaid rent.

Boss Kate Nicholls said she would welcome an extension to the moratorium, first reported in the Financial Times: “It is very welcome news that the continuati­on of vital support measures is being actively considered and we urge the Treasury to confirm this as soon as possible to protect the greatest number of jobs.”

But landlords were appalled, claiming many tenants refusing to pay were big,

profitable companies wrongly taking advantage of the crisis.

Vivienne King, boss of retail property organisati­on Revo, said the rules “have been exploited by some large well-capitalise­d retailers to withhold rent and any extension will put property owners under severe pressure.”

Scott Parsons, UK boss of malls giant Westfield, said: “Extending the evictions ban to the end of the year is not the solution, but simply dragging out urgent issues that need to be addressed and resolved sooner rather than later.”

He said eviction is a tool of last resort,

“however it is one we will be prepared to use with parties that have an ‘all take and no give’ approach. Our firm strategy is to work collaborat­ively with our retailers to reach a fair and positive outcome for all, especially smaller and local operators who are most in need of help”.

Lawrence Hutchings, chief executive of Capital & Regional, said: “We are supportive of help for small and independen­t retailers, however we feel that large, well-capitalise­d and profitable retailers should be meeting their contractua­l obligation­s.”

Hutchings added: “We would prefer legislatio­n is changed to reflect that, and only protect those genuinely in need.”

High Street chains have had some respite from the lockdown’s impact on revenues since non-essential stores have been allowed to reopen, while the Eat Out to Help Out scheme helped restaurant­s.

But many are still battling lower footfall in city centres as tourists and office workers stay away.

Retail industry sources were relieved the September 30 date may be pushed back but concerned over the length of the extension. “It may not be long enough to force landlords back to the table,” a source said. Caffè Concerto director Stephano Borjak said the move would help some businesses to survive.

 ??  ?? High Street pain: shops face closure
High Street pain: shops face closure

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