Evening Standard

Super League shares surge for United gave me déjà-vu, says Bick


DAVID BICK, the football club adviser, has some advice for investors: don’t trust the rally in Man U shares last night. The stock surged on Wall Street on hopes of a European Super League, but, says Bick, right, the clever money is on the thing being stillborn like other breakaway efforts. “I remember working with Man U when we put out a statement about a marketing tie-up with the New York Yankees. The shares went up 25% in 15 minutes then fell 25% not long after.” Expect the same as the Super League story fizzles out, he says. Juventus today lost 9% of yesterday’s share rally. Bicky could be right...

DOMINO’S Pizza has jumped into the Super League row studs up, tweeting: “Launching a new pizza: #EuropeanSu­perLeague Toppings: Greed. Betrayal. Some amazing football teams. And Arsenal & Spurs.”

LEON founder John Vincent won’t be moping for long after reluctantl­y selling his fast food chain to the Issa brothers at the behest of his private equity backers. When Spy caught up with him yesterday lunchtime he was hitting the nosebag with his next potential restaurant start-up in Balham. The author of the kung fu-inspired business book “Winning Not Fighting” said: “I can’t write a book about positivity and then wallow in my negativity, can I?” Wing Tsun legend Ip Man couldn’t have said it more wisely, John.

PR guru Katie Perrior, ex of Theresa May’s world-beating Downing Street operation whose firm iNHouse is running the Super League’s comms strategy, is said to be relaxed about the growing Super League backlash. But she may face an even tougher time at home; her husband and children support West Ham.

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