Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Queen in line for ‘warm reception’ from Dundee


WITH Her Majesty the Queen set to come to Dundee tomorrow, the city’s former Lord Provost has said he expects her to get a warm reception from Dundonians.

Queen Elizabeth II will officially open the Waterfront’s Slessor Gardens as part of her visit to the City of Discovery.

Watching the proceeding­s with fond memories will be John Letford, who served as Lord Provost for 11 years.

During that time, he guided the Queen around the city twice during his appointmen­t.

Mr Letford, 81, said: “The Queen is one of the loveliest people you could hope to meet and I am honoured to Slessor Gardens have been guided her through two of her visits to the city.

“I was involved in both of her Jubilee visits to Dundee and they were absolutely magnificen­t events.

“Each time she has come to the city has been a fantastic occasion.”

Mr Letford led the Queen through the city on her Golden Jubilee visit in 2002. He said: “The last time she was here she visited the University of Dundee alongside Prince Philip then she went to The Space on the Kingsway.

“During her visit she also visited The Shore community centre, where she had lunch and talked to a lot of young people who used the service.

“Everywhere she went she was greeted and she really seemed to appreciate that.

“She had a genuine interest in everything she saw and in everyone she met.

“For me, it was such an honour and I know she has a real love for Dundee and its people.”

Mr Letford said he believes Dundee reserves a special place for the longest reigning monarch.

And he wished the present Lord Provost, Bob Duncan, all the best with the duties he will carry out for the Royal visit tomorrow.

He said: “She is genuinely a very lovely person. I think a lot of people notice that.

“The interest in the royals may waver around these parts but I think the people of Dundee show affection towards the Queen.

“When it was my duty to be with her during her visits she showed real pleasure in meeting people.

“That was always the case when she came to Dundee.

“I’m not in the pecking order now, compared to the position I used to hold, so I can’t say for sure if I’ll have the chance to meet her this time.

“But that doesn’t diminish the pleasure I will take from her visit.”

Get your special Royal visit supplement in tomorrow’s Evening Telegraph Late Extra edition.

 ??  ?? The Queen and the Duke Of Edinburgh at Baxter Park in 2007, accompanie­d by then Lord Provost John Letford.
The Queen and the Duke Of Edinburgh at Baxter Park in 2007, accompanie­d by then Lord Provost John Letford.

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