Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Settlement for man after glass incident


Mark Robbie, 36, sustained a severed artery after a 6ft sheet of glass slashed his right arm while he was at work.

The Mid Craigie resident was rushed to Ninewells Hospital from his workplace at Ravensby Glass, and lost more than three pints of blood in the incident.

Luckily he recovered, but lost mobility in his arm as well as suffering mentally from the accident.

He launched a legal claim thought to be worth about £100,000, and it is now understood he has received a five-figure sum after Ravensby Glass admitted liability for what happened.

Today, Mark said he wants to move on with his life, but is still suffering the consequenc­es of what happened on that fateful day in February 2014. He said: “I’ve still not completely recovered and I’m still in pain. “The money isn’t important — it was about making the point that I did my job properly and proving that it was the company’s fault, not mine.”

He added: “I still have the odd flashback to what happened.

“I can cope with the i njury but the mental side of it is the hardest part. I’ve been to see a psychologi­st to try and help. There is still a long road ahead for me.

“Even if I’m out and about in the street I’m always trying to keep away from crowded places.

“I just don’t feel comfortabl­e. I’m sometimes affected by loud noises so the job I loved in engineerin­g is one I cannot do now.”

Mark plans to take his children on holiday and put a deposit down on a flat with the money he has been awarded.

He has already bought a car and wants to start a new career.

He said: “I’m in my third year at college as I had to learn different skills to change career. I’m studying interactiv­e media design.”

Mark added: “It all still feels raw but I’m happy that the legal case is done and dusted.

“It’s a big weight off my shoulders and I can now look forward.”

A spokesman for Ravensby Glass said: “The company acknowledg­es the matter is now closed following the agreement reached by its profession­al advisors.”

A DAD-of-two who suffered a horrific injury in a workplace accident has received an outof-court settlement from his former employers.

 ??  ?? A PLAQUE marking the University of Dundee’s efforts to help doctors care more effectivel­y for the dying has been unveiled at Ninewells Hospital.
Palliation and the Caring Hospital (Patch), a charity which supports specialist palliative care for...
A PLAQUE marking the University of Dundee’s efforts to help doctors care more effectivel­y for the dying has been unveiled at Ninewells Hospital. Palliation and the Caring Hospital (Patch), a charity which supports specialist palliative care for...
 ??  ?? Mark Robbie
Mark Robbie

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