Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Assault pair stormed into man’s bedroom


DANIEL Blair, a prisoner at Perth, and Isabella Smith, of Adamson Court, had sentence deferred at Dundee Sheriff Court after they admitted acting together on July 15 to assault Markus Monteath and Rachel Sommervill­e at a house in Yarrow Terrace and rob them of £50 and three phones.

The court heard the pair stormed into Mr Monteath’s home at 6am shouting and swearing as they entered, waking Mr Monteath and his friend Miss Sommervill­e.

Fiscal depute Vicki Bell said: “Blair and Smith flipped the mattress Mr Monteath was lying on and were both shouting ‘where is the money’.”

Blair, 23, had been at Mr Monteath’s home the previous evening drinking with them and another male friend, Mr Duncan. They left around 10.30pm and continued drinking at a house party with Smith, 37.

Mr Duncan fell asleep at the party but had earlier claimed to have left money at Mr Monteath’s home, although Mr Monteath and Miss Sommervill­e said they found no money.

The fiscal said: “Smith told Miss Sommervill­e to empty her bag and purse, claiming Mr Duncan told her he left money in the flat.

“Blair then proceeded to repeatedly punch Mr Monteath on the head and kicked him on the body. He then told Miss Sommervill­e to come into the living room and she could see Mr Monteath curled up in the corner like he was protecting himself and he was shaking and crying.”

Miss Sommervill­e handed over £20 from her own purse and £30 from Mr Monteath’s wallet. Smith asked her to shake her clothing which caused her mobile phone to fall out and Smith took it, along with two other mobile phones which were on the sofa.

The pair, who also admitted sending a threatenin­g message via Facebook to Miss Sommervill­e demanding the password to her mobile phone, had sentence deferred until January 4.

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