Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Seven top tips to keep your fitness up at Xmas


FINALISED your plans for Christmas?

If they are mainly to over-do everything then waddle into the New Year full of guilt, then here are seven top tips to stop that happening.

1 Active presents

The best way to stick to a Christmas health and fitness guide is to play with those gifts that make everyone active. If someone has been given a bike, skates or some fitness games like tennis on the Wii, get them out and play as a family.

2: Short bursts

Time is often in short supply at Christmas but — on even the busiest days — try to squeeze 10 minutes of exercise in before you go out in the morning — then another 10 after lunch and another 10 later in the evening. Studies have found short sessions like these are still effective.

3: Have a go

Health and weather permitting, find out what outdoor sporting events are taking place which might be a good fit for you. The New Year’s Day dook in Broughty Ferry might be a little hardcore but there are walking and cycling groups in this area too.

4: Set limits

Getting heavy-handed with the drink is going to derail all your health efforts so, if you’re having a party at home or round at a pal’s, stick to the sort of measures a pub would offer. Or maybe give yourself a drinks limit in the form of “only three glasses of wine”. Not only will it be better for you but your night will last a lot longer.

5: Scrub-up for Christmas

If you’re one of those folks who likes the house spotless for the Christmas season then you’ve got a great workout right there. Some robust housework will have you kneeling, stretching, carrying and working out with your arms as you scrub.

6: Exercise after food

If you go out for a festive meal try to fit in an exercise session after you’ve eaten — even a good walk would help. Studies show that exercising after you’ve eaten reduces blood sugar spikes, meaning less chance of snacking later.

7: Look at the long game

Christmas often involves a lot of eating just for the sake of it. Don’t go nuts with the treats — no pun intended — because you’ll just regret it. If you can leave the festive season at the same weight you arrived, that would be the best present of all.

 ??  ?? Christmas doesn’t mean exercise needs to fall by the wayside . . . just adapt and have some festive fun.
Christmas doesn’t mean exercise needs to fall by the wayside . . . just adapt and have some festive fun.

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