Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Rate of city crooks reoffendin­g drops


The local authority area no longer tops the reoffendin­g “league of shame”.

The Scottish Government statistics show that of the 1,857 people convicted of a crime in Dundee in 2014/15, 29.5% were convicted of another offence in the next year.

The rate is reduced from 32.8% for the previous year when the city had the jointhighe­st reoffendin­g rate in Scotland, along with Clackmanna­nshire.

The council area now sits fifth in reoffendin­g rates but is still above the national average.

Dundee-based Conservati­ve MSP Bill Bowman, who represents the North East, said: “This report indicates that more is still needed to be done in order to stop offenders reoffendin­g in Dundee — with approximat­ely three in 10 reoffendin­g.

“We believe it would be better to see every prisoner being given work and education, to give something back to society and increase chances of reintegrat­ion on the outside.”

However, SNP Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said t he figures, “showed that community sentences, including community payback orders, were more effective at cutting reoffendin­g than short jail terms”.

While Dundee has dropped to fifth in the table, the local authority has had the highest reoffendin­g rate in three of the last five years.

Using a second method to measure reoffendin­g, the picture in Dundee looks slightly better.

This method measures the average number of reconvicti­ons for every 100 offenders over the year.

In Dundee this rate stands at 49.9 — just slightly below the Scottish average of 50.

Across Scotland, 28.2% of the 43,634 people who were released from prison or given a non-custodial sentence, such as a community payback order or fine, in 2014/15, had a further conviction within a year.

The figure has dipped 0.3% from 2013/14, and now sits at an 18-year low.

Inverclyde tops the list with 32.0% and the area of East, North and South Ayrshire — grouped together due to court boundaries — is second with a 30.7% rate of reoffendin­g.

THE rate of reoffendin­g in Dundee — previously the highest in Scotland — has dropped, according to new figures.

 ??  ?? A NEW session of Headroom mindfulnes­s classes to help people suffering from stress-related issues is up and running in Dundee.
Classes will be held at The Crescent, 71 Lothian Crescent, every Tuesday until June 20 from 10am-noon.
The course is free...
A NEW session of Headroom mindfulnes­s classes to help people suffering from stress-related issues is up and running in Dundee. Classes will be held at The Crescent, 71 Lothian Crescent, every Tuesday until June 20 from 10am-noon. The course is free...
 ??  ?? Mr Matheson
Mr Matheson

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