Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Dundee women lose out twice


DUNDEE’S female volleyball side completed their National League One programme with two home games against the top two sides.

They opened with a game against Edinburgh Jets.

The visitors played clever, powerful volleyball but the home side were able to reply with big scores from Sarah Driscoll and Agnes Bednarek.

Dundee’s 14-10 lead evaporated quickly as Jets stormed into a 20-15 lead. The home side had to rely on errors to win points as Jets won the set 25-21.

Jets unleashed their American power hitter, Alexis Grurey. She found her rhythm and helped Jets win the next two sets 25-10, 25-14.

Next up were Caledonia West (Troon).

Daniela Gasperini and Sarah Driscoll helped the home side take an 11-8 lead.

Cale fought back to level but pressure from Lucy Wishart’s service and hits from Driscoll and Natalia Stoposhki took Dundee to set point at 24-18.

Drama then unfolded as four errors, a service ace and a counteratt­ack point levelled the score at 24-24.

A score from a quick attack from Gasparini and a serve from Lucy Wishart gave Dundee the set 26-24.

With Dundee 17-16 ahead in set two, a run of seven points for Cale, without reply, gave them a lead and they won the set 25-18.

The third set was awash with errors as both struggled and Cale had a lead at 15-10 before going on to win the set 25-19.

Troon opened up with a huge run of points against a tiring home side in set four.

The 13-3 score was a reflection of errors and untidy play from Dundee that helped the visitors and allowed them to power their way to a 25-15 set and 3-1 games win.

DUNDEE’S men complete their programme against City of Edinburgh ll.

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