Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Worker battled to

Man set to appear in city’s court after death


A DUNDEE council worker tried in vain to save the life of Gary McMillan as he lay dying on a city street.

The worker was the first on the scene at Lawton Road in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Colleagues reported the worker attempted to revive the 44-year-old grandad, but his efforts were in vain.

Today, residents in a quiet Dundee neighbourh­ood told the Tele of the dramatic scenes they witnessed as armed police carried out a manhunt in the city streets.

Arran Fender, 31, was due to appear in Dundee Sheriff Court today in connection with the death of Gary.

Fender’s arrest came almost 48 hours after Mr McMillan’s body was discovered.

Gary died in Lawton Road sometime between 2am-2.30am. He lived in nearby Lawton Terrace.

A police investigat­ion began on Tuesday.

Officers were searching for a man they wanted to speak to in connection with Gary’s death and the operation spread across Dundee.

People living in the Brackens area reported seeing armed police with dogs descend on the quiet streets on the same day.

Residents in Garvock Place and Kinneff Crescent said they were shocked beyond belief to see police officers carrying assault rifles arrive in the area.

They described how they saw police combing the streets.

Officers then concentrat­ed their efforts on a block of flats at the foot of Kinneff Crescent.

Dave Jackson, 64, pictured right, said that he looked out his window around 5pm to see police carrying weapons.

Mr Jackson said: “I’m ex-Army and I know exactly what I saw.

“There were several police officers and an alsatian police dog scouring the grassy areas outside the flats.

“The next thing I knew, the police were ringing my doorbell to gain entry to the building.

“I opened the door to them and straight away saw two officers carrying rifles at the ready position across their body.

“I obviously realised straight away that something very serious was going on.

“They didn’t say much and I didn’t ask them anything.

“Being ex-Army, I’m used to weapons but you don’t expect to see police carrying guns outside your door i n a quiet area of Dundee.”

Mr Jackson said the police ran up the stairs and then he heard them banging on a door before he heard a sound that was like the door being broken down.

He said: “I didn’t see too much after that and don’t know if they took anyone away or not.”

Another resident of the block, Julie Hillman, 52, said it was frightenin­g to see so many police swarming in the area outside her flat.

She said: “There were about seven police officers and there was also a dog.

“They then came into the building

 ??  ?? Inset: Gary McMillan, who died in Lawton Road in the early hours of Tuesday. Main: Police at Garvock Place.
Inset: Gary McMillan, who died in Lawton Road in the early hours of Tuesday. Main: Police at Garvock Place.

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