Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Johnson calls for ‘final push’ in election


BORIS Johnson is appealing to Conservati­ve activists to make a final push for general election victory.

A Survation poll put the two main parties almost neck-and-neck, with the Tories on 41.5% and Labour on 40.4%.

Mr Johnson was to use a speech in the north-east of England to raise the prospect that the Conservati­ves could lose their Commons majority.

“It makes me shudder to think that we could seriously be about to elect a Corbyn-led coalition that would impose destructiv­e new taxes,” he was to say.

Labour has also gained ground in Scotland in the final days of campaignin­g, according to another opinion poll.

Kezia Dugdale’s party has 25% of the vote, behind the Tories on 26% and the SNP on 43%, the YouGov survey indicates.

Among the other parties, YouGov found support for the Lib Dems at 6% and the Greens at 1%.

The results indicate the SNP could lose as many as 10 constituen­cies, falling from the 56 it won in 2015 to 46.

The Tories could rise from one to seven seats, and both Labour the Lib Dems from one to three.

Scottish Labour general election campaign manager James Kelly said: “This is yet another encouragin­g poll which shows that increasing numbers of Scots know the only way to defeat the SNP in the majority of seats i n Scotland is to vote Labour.”

However, SNP leader and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Given the narrowing of the polls in the rest of the UK, there is now every chance that a vote for the SNP can deny the Tories the crushing victory that they so arrogantly predicted at the start of the campaign.”

Meanwhile, schools and hospitals will get a £17 billion repair boost if the Liberal Democrats gain power.

The party says it will give £10 billion to the NHS to restore hospitals over the next five years, and £7 billion to schools.

Ukip leader Paul Nuttall said he would scrap the TV licence as he l aunched a strongly-worded attack against the BBC’s election coverage. QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Anther. 2. Radium. 3. Rookery. 4. Three. 5. Azerbaijan. 6. Hare. Missing link: COUNTY.

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