Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

‘Get coughs checked’


A year on from his diagnosis, the Dundee pensioner is calling for anyone who suffers from symptoms such as a deep cough to get checked over by a doctor.

Cliff, 79, starred in a new film created by Dundee and Angus College students about living with the incurable mesothelio­ma.

Along with his wife Anna McDonald — with whom he formed the wellknown Dundee band The Temperance Two — he became involved with the film through Dundee-based charity Asbestos Action Tayside.

Symptoms of mesothelio­ma include dry coughing, chest pains and fatigue.

Cliff, who lives at Glenmarkie Terrace, today urged anyone who may have similar signs to see their doctor straight away.

He said: “I had been to the doctor to get something else checked but I was treatment as soon as possible. The pensioner attended the premiere of the film at D&A College’s Kingsway Campus. This was part of the launch of Learning Occupation­al Health by Experienci­ng Risk, a new strategy to help students learn about health risk management.

He said: “Asbestos Action Tayside got in touch with me and asked if I would come along to speak to students in Arbroath.

“To my surprise they asked me to appear in a video. I was a wee bit embarrasse­d, but it was for a good cause.

“The best thing about it is that they didn’t say at the end that I had died!”

And Cliff has already realised one of his dreams — to grow an allotment of potatoes. He said: “I’m lucky that I’m still here and you get all sorts of things running through your mind when you get diagnosed. The thing that was running through my mind was whether I would get to see my tatties grow and I’ve done it!”

IT was a total shock for Cliff Inglis when he was told he had an asbestos-related cancer.

 ??  ?? Pensioner Cliff Inglis, who has terminal cancer, has realised one of his dreams by growing a crop of potatoes before he dies.
Pensioner Cliff Inglis, who has terminal cancer, has realised one of his dreams by growing a crop of potatoes before he dies.
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 ??  ?? Prince’s Trust team member Sam Hunter and Cliff at the DVD film launch.
Prince’s Trust team member Sam Hunter and Cliff at the DVD film launch.
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