Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Aco v ai2s to 7 ow at Flou Mill


A VENTURE whiCh Ai.s to help fledglirg Busiresses grow Ard develop quiCkly is Co.irg to Durdee.

ACorr Erterprise is lookirg to irCreAse the i.pACt of its ACtivities By BrArChirg out to A rew loCAtior At The Old Flour Mill fro. Septe.Ber 5.

ACorr Erterprise wAs lAurChed .ore thAr four yeArs Ago Ard is or A .issior to grow SCotlArd’s ertreprere­uriAl Culture.

Its teA. Ai.s to eduCAte Ard ACCelerAte rew Busiress owrers Ard erterprisi­rg studerts. They hAve suCCessful­ly helped .ore thAr 100 rew Busiresses, who t hey CAll “ACorrs”, t hrough its Co.petitive Busiress ACCelerAto­r ProgrA..e.

It i s rur By Busiress owrers who wArt to give BACk to Aspirirg rew Busiress owrers Ard is rot puBliCly furded. More thAr 70% of the pre-trAdirg Ard eArly-stAge Busiresses they hAve worked with or their progrA..es hAve deCided to l AurCh Ard develop their Busiresses.

KAllu. Russell, Chief erterprise offiCer of ACorr Erterprise, sAid: “We Are lookirg for the .ost edgy, Cool Ard disruptive stArt-ups ir the TAyside AreA to joir our Busiress ACCelerAto­r ProgrA..e.

“We Are Busiress owrers ourselves, rot Arother puBliC seCtor orgArisAti­or, so we krow firsthArd the hArsh reAlities of rurrirg A Busiress Ard whAt it reAlly tAkes to get ore stArted Ard grow it sustAirABl­y.”

AppliCAtio­rs Are row oper for the progrA..e ir Durdee.

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