Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

‘I’m really lucky

Simon, 41, suffers rare stroke after run with pal


A DUNDEE lawyer today said he feels lucky to be alive after suffering a “massive” rare stroke after going out on a run.

Simon Allison, 41, was exercising with a friend when he suffered a minor stroke.

Luckily, he decided to go to hospital — where he suffered a second massive stroke that left him unable to speak or move his limbs.

Just 2% of people who suffer a stroke in the UK suffer the kind that Simon did.

Simon, who is an employment lawyer with Blackadder­s, today spoke of the experience.

He said: “I was out running with a friend and we were speaking and he told me that I wasn’t making any sense.

“He said ‘your face is slipped down’ and convinced me to go to A&E at Ninewells Hospital.

“When I was there I was feeling fine and my face and voice had recovered but they told me to stay and told me that I had suffered a small stroke.

“It was a shock because I am quite fit and healthy.

“I had a CT scan and they told me that I had a tear in an artery in my neck close to my brain.

“They decided to keep me in and I suffered a massive stroke.

“Luckily, I was given a clot busting drug straight away.

“I was really lucky to be in hospital, I was in the right place at the right time.

“I couldn’t speak and I couldn’t move my right leg or arm — it was really worrying for me.”

He added :“I was in intensive care for 48 hours and I can’t really remember it. I do remember waking up and thinking ‘where am I?’ but I was so tired that it is all a blur.

“I was too tired to even worry or be scared – all I could do was sleep.

“I was in Ninewells for two weeks and then I was transferre­d to the Sir George Sharp Unit at Cameron Hospital.”

Simon, from Newport in Fife, stressed the importance of people seeking medical help immediatel­y if they suffer from any symptoms asso- ciated with a stroke.

He said: “My message to people is that if they suffer symptoms of a minor stroke then they need to get seen to.

“If it wasn’t for my friend then I probably wouldn’t have gone to the hospital.

“It could have been a totally different story because I usually go out running on my own with the dog.

“I could have been on my own when I suffered the second stroke, but I was lucky because I was in hospital.”

Simon said he was also lucky to have received the clot busting drug quickly following the stroke.

He added: “I managed to be back at work within three months.

“The kind of stroke I had was really rare — it wasn’t because of stress or depression, nor was there a history of strokes within the family.

“Instead it was caused by a tear in my artery in my neck, close to my brain. I have no idea what caused the tear and I never will. I will never

 ??  ?? Simon Allison, 41, is taking part in the kilt walk after suffering a rare form of stroke.
Simon Allison, 41, is taking part in the kilt walk after suffering a rare form of stroke.

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