Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Bungee jump bags £1,300


THREE colleagues from Stracathro Hospital have raised more than £1,300 for one of its wards.

Medical secretary Amy Jamieson, consultant psychiatri­st Dr David Rooke and assistant psychologi­st Luis Calabria took part in the Highland Fling bungee j ump from the bridge over t he River Garry to raise money for the oncology ward.

The daring trio were determined to take the plunge to raise as much money as possible as a thank you to the ward for the care Amy’s grandad had received there.

Amy said: “There was a discussion in the office about doing a bungee jump.

“It sounded terrifying to me as I am very scared of heights but it was exciting because it was something different to do and a fun day out.

“David and Luis asked if we should do it for a charity and I suggested Ward 32 because my grandad was receiving treatment there and t he care he received was amazing.

“The staff made my grandad and my family feel at ease during each visit.

“Initially it was a bit of fun and a good way to raise money for Ward 32 but after we booked it my grandad sadly passed away.

“This made it so much more meaningful and I was even more determined to raise as much money as we could to give back to the ward as a little thank you for their outstandin­g care over the last two years.”

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