Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Of Guinness book

Weird world seen through the eyes of Dundee editor


And for the last 15 years, it has been seen through the eyes of Dundee man Craig Glenday, the book’s editor-in-chief.

The 44-year-old grew up i n Douglas and has just overseen the 63rd edition of the book released and it once again features some truly bizarre and fascinatin­g records including the world’s tallest model and the most Jenga blocks whipped in one minute.

While he was impressed with the current round of new records from across the globe, the former Craigie High School pupil urged Dundonians to come forward and attempt their own records.

Craig, 44, who now lives i n London, said: “It’s the best job in the world. I personally love the records relating to the human body. We had one woman recently — You Jianxia, from China — who has the world’s longest eyelashes. They are 12.4cm, almost five inches, and hang down below her mouth. I’ve measured the longest fingernail­s, the tallest people, and watched people try and eat the most cakes in a minute.”

A consistent best-seller since the first edition in 1955, the book has become a staple Christmas gift across the globe.

It was the 1986 edition which started Craig’s l ove affair with records and led him on the path to his current career.

He added: “I remember there being an astronaut on the front and being amazed at all the incredible records.”

Craig — who has been with Guinness World since 2002 and took over as editor-in-chief in 2004 — said he is always on the lookout for people setting new records — as well as breaking existing ones.

However, he said only one Dundonian holds an existing record at present.

He said: “A man called Angus Barbieri was i n Maryfield Hospital from 1965-1966 and survived on only tea, coffee and soda water for 382 days — no solid food whatsoever. There were minerals and things in the liquids he took to keep him going.”

Craig has his own suggestion for Dundonians hoping to appear in future copies, adding: “I think given the jute, jam and journalism heritage of Dundee, something like the most marmalade eaten in a minute would be a good record for a Dundonian to try to break or maybe the largest Dundee Cake to be made if some local bakers are up to the challenge.

“That wouldn’t be easy though. The largest fruit cake, the category it would come under, weighed 4,353kg.” The latest edition of Guinness World Records went on sale this week.

Anyone with a record they think they hold, or one they could break, should visit the guinness worldrecor­ds. com website.

Craig is pictured presenting The Guide Dogs For The Blind Associatio­n with a Guinness certificat­e for the most guide dogs trained by an organisati­on.

FOr decades, the Guinness World records book has showcased people’s weird, wacky and wonderful achievemen­ts.

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