Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Drug dealer killer in bid to cut term behind bars


A MAN convicted of killing his drug dealer in a brutal knife attack over £10 is launching an appeal to reduce his sentence.

William Paterson, 46, was jailed for 12-and-a-half years at the High Court in Glasgow in August for the vicious attack in Kirkcaldy on James Beveridge.

The incident happened last October when the pair fell out over a drug deal.

Paterson was originally charged with murder but his plea of guilty to a reduced charge of culpable homicide was accepted by the Crown.

The appeal is to be heard at the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh tomorrow, during which it’s believed Paterson will try to reduce the length of his jail term.

The court previously heard that Paterson repeatedly stabbed 41-yearold Mr Beveridge on the head, neck and body.

There was a fatal blow to Mr Beveridge’s neck, which cut through the main vein and artery.

The court was told that Mr Beveridge was a known supplier of Valium tablets, albeit at a relatively low level.

Prosecutor Ashley Edwards QC said: “It would seem likely from text messages between the two that the accused was seeking to purchase drugs, probably Valium tablets, on tick.

“Mr Beveridge refused and they arranged to meet.

“Seconds before the confrontat­ion Mr Beveridge was handed a knuckledus­ter by a friend.

“Paterson and Mr Beveridge exchanged words, then Mr Beveridge struck the accused on the head repeatedly with the knuckledus­ter.

“Paterson then pulled out a knife which he had concealed in his sleeve and stabbed Mr Beveridge, who died in hospital the next day from his injuries.”

When Paterson was arrested he told police the attack was “over a tenner”.

Judge Lord Armstrong told Paterson: “You have shown remorse and accepted responsibi­lity for your actions.

“There are no circumstan­ces that can justify taking the life of another.

“You went to meet your victim already armed with a knife.”

Lord Armstrong told Paterson that, but for his guilty plea, he would have jailed him for 14 years.

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