Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

How about a national day for whistling?


BEING a happy go lucky type of guy, I like nothing better than whistling away to myself.

I do this whether I’m out for a stroll, shopping, washing the dishes or doing any other normal, everyday activity.

However, having a think about this the other day, I couldn’t remember the last time I heard anyone else whistle.

In fact when I’m out in public whistling away to myself I sometimes get strange looks from some people, the kind of look that says “is that bloke half daft?”.

In years to come hearing someone whistle could be a rare, once in a blue moon event — like seeing children play hopscotch, the number 28 bus turning up on time or Dundee United winning a football game.

So I think we should have a national day of whistling.

I don’t see why not as we seem to have a national day for nearly everything else.

For instance, in February, there is a national bubble gum day — sounds good; national wear red day — I’m sure I have a red shirt somewhere; national share a shower with a friend day — out of the question. Have you seen my friends?

But there’s nothing wrong with a harmless pastime like whistling, so how about it?

Let’s pick a day — maybe the day the V&A opens? — make a day of it, have a whistling conga from the City Square down to the new museum and finish it off with a picnic in Slessor Gardens.

I’ll be there, will you?

FneUUie Henny.

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