Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

‘Autism aware card’ bid set for Holyrood


A DAD’S plea for a national card to protect vulnerable autism sufferers is to be taken to the corridors of power.

Mark Davies, whose 11-year-old son Eli has autism, raised the issue with Angus South SNP MSP Graeme Dey, who is now taking the matter to the Scottish Parliament.

The campaign received a further shot in the arm after it received the backing of Scottish Autism.

The card would help authoritie­s and emergency services to better understand people with autistic behaviour.

A similar card has been introduced by the police in the Australian town of Albany.

Mr Davies, from Arbroath, said: “Many people with autism have significan­t issues with social interactio­n and they may react in an unexpected way which can appear to be aggressive, especially if they are touched or grabbed, as this can be extremely distressin­g to them.

“This means that an otherwise ordinary contact with a police officer, for example, could escalate very quickly and see the person forcibly restrained, which makes the situation much worse.”

He added: “Although ‘unofficial’ cards are available, I believe that a government-approved card, issued by a GP or other healthcare provider, which also carries emergency contact details, could be incredibly useful — not only for people with autism, but for those who interact with them in an official capacity.”

Mr Dey, who is deputy convener of the cross-party group (CPG) on autism in the Scottish Parliament said: “This strikes me as a very worthwhile proposal, deserving of detailed considerat­ion.

“I’m sure it is something members of the CPG may want to consider the merits of, but I will also be writing to the Scottish Government to bring it to their attention.”

Charlene Tait, director of autism practice and research at Scottish Autism, said: “While we have been involved in some pilot projects to introduce autism aware cards in different regions of Scotland, we do feel there would be merit in developing a standard, nationwide card.

“Provided such an initiative was properly planned with the input of profession­al practition­ers and the autistic community, it could be another helpful step forward in increasing the public understand­ing of autism.”

 ??  ?? Mark Davies with his son, Eli.
Mark Davies with his son, Eli.

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