Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Falling birth rate presents ‘threat’


THE future of Tayside and Fife’s health and education systems is said to be “under threat” after figures revealed the region’s birth rates have plummeted over the past two decades.

Birth rates have fallen by an average of 12% in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife since 1996.

The largest decrease was in Dundee (-13.6%), closely followed by Angus (-13.5%).

In Perth and Kinross, the change was -12.7% and in Fife it was -9.5%.

Willie Rennie, MSP for North East Fife and leader of Scottish Liberal Democrats, said immigratio­n should be encouraged to plug the gap, despite Brexit.

He said: “The plunging birth rate means the sustainabi­lity of our society is under threat.

“If we don’t have sufficient people working and paying taxes, we won’t have sufficient funds for our NHS and education.

“We also need enough educated and trained people to run our public services. That’s why I called for the true economic value of immigratio­n to be recognised. Rather than pulling up the immigratio­n drawbridge we should be encouragin­g more people to live and work here.”

Dundee City Council leader John Alexander said the city’s future looked “positive” and the overall population was expected to increase, despite the declining birth rate.

“We continue to project an increasing population with an expectatio­n that the city will grow by 5.9% by 2039,” Mr Alexander said.

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