Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Man denies nurse racial abuse charge


Michael Mason, 35, of Fullarton Street, is also alleged to have caused a raciallyag­gravated breach of the peace at ward 17 in the hospital on January 4.

Mason appeared before Sheriff John Rafferty at Dundee Sheriff Court to plead not guilty to four charges in total.

He denied that, on various occasions on January 4, at ward 17, Ninewells Hospital, James Arrott Drive, he acted in a racially aggressive manner likely to cause fear, alarm and distress to Helen Jam, a nurse there.

The charge stated that Mason shouted and swore and uttered racially offensive remarks to Ms Jam.

Prosecutor­s allege the offence was racially aggravated. He further denies that, on the same date and at the same place, he assaulted Kenneth Christie, a healthcare assistant, by repeatedly punching him on the body.

Mason also denies that, on the same date and at the same place, he caused a breach of the peace by behaving i n a threatenin­g or abusive manner likely to cause fear or alarm, acted in an aggressive manner, shouted and swore and uttered racially offensive remarks.

Prosecutor­s also allege that on the same date, January 4, at the ward in Ninewells Hospital, he assaulted Constable Scott McGregor by headbuttin­g him on the body.

Mason’s trial was set down for August 30, with an intermedia­te diet fixed for August 9.

Sheriff John Rafferty granted Mason bail.

Pauline Boyack, 48, of Pitkerro Drive, will face trial in August on racially aggravated assault and abuse charges.

Boyack denies that on July 24, 2017, at Eskdale Avenue, she hired a taxi to Fintry Terrace without paying or intending to pay the fare of £8; at Glenconnor Drive and Fintry Terrace acted in a racially aggravated manner towards Muhammad Khan by shouting, swearing, uttering threats of violence and uttering racial remarks; and at Fintry Terrace assaulted him by striking him on the head.

Her trial was fixed for August 28.

A DUNDEE man has been accused of racially abusing a nurse, assaulting a care worker and attacking a police officer in a ward at Ninewells Hospital.

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DanceFest 2018 took place at the Gardyne Theatre over the weekend, showcasing the talents of young members from the Urban Moves dance classes.
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MORE than 600 performers wowed audiences during the city’s biggest festival of dance. DanceFest 2018 took place at the Gardyne Theatre over the weekend, showcasing the talents of young members from the Urban Moves dance classes. Each class performed...
 ??  ?? Dundee Sheriff Court.
Dundee Sheriff Court.
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