Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Claire back at school


A D U N D E E s c h o o l ’s former deputy head girl has been appointed as its new bursar.

Claire MacDonald has returned to Dundee High School after a career at DC Thomson and KPMG, among other employers.

She said: “I am delighted to be taking on the role of bursar at Dundee High.

“I will do all I can to assist in the further progressio­n of the school and all it brings to Dundee and the local community.”

Rector Dr John Halliday said: “Claire was t he unanimous choice out of a strong field.”

She succeeds Jill Henderson, who is leaving after six years in the role. A GROUP of soon-to-be nurses are showing they have a head for heights once more by taking on a charity abseil from one of Dundee’s tallest buildings in aid of sick children.

The student nurses will abseil down the side of the Dundee University Tower Building in aid of the Archie Foundation on Sunday June 2. Their latest fundraisin­g effort for the official charity of the Tayside Children’s Hospital comes a year after they threw themselves out of a plane thousands of feet off the ground in a sky dive. A brave patient has heaped l av i sh pra i se on N H S Tayside after her treatment for breast cancer.

Lorraine Kennedy, 55, spoke from Ninewells Hospital yesterday and backed the entire medical team even though she believes staff might have given her lower dosages of treatment earlier.

NHS Tayside came under fierce criticism last month after admitting doctors had prescribed lower doses of chemothera­py treatment to breast cancer patients than elsewhere in Scotland.

The Tele broke the story of how the health board and Scottish Government were conducting an investigat­ion into the treatment for more than 300 patients, including patients who died.

Lorraine, however, joined others who may have received the lower dosage in thanking the oncologist­s for their efforts.

She echoes the views of members of Support NHS Tayside Oncologist­s, who disagree with the criticism aimed at specialist­s.

She said: “I think it’s terrible people are having a go at the

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