Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Police descend on street after rammy


POL ICE descended onto one of Du ndee’s most notorious streets following a rammy.

Four police vehicles were i n attendance at the i ncident on Dundonald Street at the junction with Clepington Street yesterday afternoon.

One resident who lives nearby said an ambulance had also been called to the scene after fears those involved in the melee had been injured.

Police Scotland confirmed there had been a disturbanc­e in the area before officers searched the surroundin­g streets.

One motorist said he saw the police speeding up Dura Street before arriving on the scene shortly before 1pm.

He said: “When I came past Dundonald Street there were units outside the pub with their blues and twos on.

“Some of the officers went inside the pub while others stood outside at the corner.

“One of the vans drove off and they started searching the surroundin­g streets. “To be entirely honest I wasn’t shocked by what I’d seen given the street’s reputation.”

Staff at the Airlie Arms explained the incident was believed to have been a fight which took place further down the street.

A spokeswoma­n for the force said the parties involved in the incident were traced and made no complaints to officers when spoken to.

One man said the events yesterday were “not uncommon”.

He added: “There were four police vehicles and four officers on the scene at around 12.45pm.

“They had the police sirens on when they arrived but it’s not an uncommon sight to see the police here in these numbers.”

The police spokeswoma­n added: “Police Scotland were in attendance following reports of a rammy shortly before 1pm.

“Those involved were traced and made no complaints.”

 ??  ?? Main picture and inset, below: Police at the scene of the incident.
Main picture and inset, below: Police at the scene of the incident.
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