Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Energy exhibition


THE public will be able to view plans for a proposed energy storage scheme near Cupar at an event next week.

Ferrymior Energy Storage Limited is holding a public exhibition in Howe of Fife Rugby Club, Cupar, on Thursday from 3-7pm to outline its plans.

The battery storage compound, at Westfield Road, could serve the energy needs of more than 115,000 homes.

The site already has planning permission for a 19.9MW facility but the new proposal would allow 49.9MW of power to be stored and exported to the national grid.

The developer wants to engage with the local community on its plans. DUNDEE’S Guthrie Street was blocked off for a short time after fire broke out outside Downfield Musical Society.

Firefighte­rs needed special cutting equipment to cut around the lid before gaining access and extinguish­ing the small blaze.

The building was unoccupied when the outbreak started at about 2.30pm yesterday and John McGurk, proprietor of Versity , a computer store across the road, said: “I noticed the first fire engine arriving at about 2.40pm and shortly A ROW over dog faeces led to a ma n h av i n g teeth knocked out by his neighbour.

Chay Ewing flew into a rage after he and his friend were blasted for putting dog mess in neighbour Muynaradzi Muzividzi’s bin.

Mr Muzividzi lost two teeth after being repeatedly thumped by the 20-year-old at the common close of Bloomfield Road, Arbroath, on April 18.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard that Mr Muzividzi had criticised the other man, saying: “People like you shouldn’t have a dog.”

But things took a violent turn when Ewing joined in the argument.

Fiscal depute Joanne Smith said: “As the complainer walked towards his front door the accused came down from his property and started shouting at the complainer.

“The accused landed a punch to his face and repeatedly punched the complainer to his face causing two front lower teeth to become dislodged and a cut in the inner lip.

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