Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Photo subjects solve the mystery of the leg in the post to TV star Noel


APROSTHETI­C leg in the post to a ’70s TV star raised a number of questions. However, after the photo’s subjects got in touch, we can now answer the burning question – why were they sending a leg to Noel Edmonds? Our Back in the Day image featured three members of Dundee’s Junior Chamber of Commerce – Rosalind Robbie, Dorothy McHugh and Rodger Brunton – mailing the item in 1979. With only their names and who the limb was being sent to, we asked for some more informatio­n and amazingly both Rosalind and Dorothy got in touch. Dorothy, who became the first female president of the junior chamber in 1980 and is currently secretary of Dundee Pensioners’ Forum, didn’t remember much about the event to begin with. She said: “If I remember correctly, I was vicepresid­ent of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. “Rodger was a member of the board – he became vice-president once I became president the following year. “Sorry to say I can’t really remember why we were sending a leg to Noel (he was a big star in those days). Rodger was the ideas man and always coming up with something or other. “We were probably looking for publicity for one of our projects.” However, Rosalind came to the rescue. She said: “It was actually my idea to send the leg to Noel. “He was one of the biggest celebritie­s at that time. “He was on tour so we were trying to think of ways to get him to come to Dundee.

“I thought about sending the leg because we were thinking about what we could do to improve the city and thought we needed to highlight the need for disability access. “There were only one or two lowered kerbs in Dundee, which made it almost impossible for locals with disabiliti­es to get around without needing assistance. “We thought that by sending the leg to Noel we could get some publicity for the cause and get him to back the campaign. “Although Noel never did come, Dundee has become very accessible for everyone and it all started with us in 1979.” The answers weren’t the only feedback we got. We also received an email from an unsuspecti­ng passer-by. Ronnie Lindsay said: “I am the guy in the background. I would have been 20 at the time and probably home on leave from the Royal Navy. I am now 60 and living in Monifieth. “As a child I lived in the Happyhillo­ck Road area and went to Mid Craigie Primary then Stobswell Secondary School. “In the Navy I served as a radio operator. “An ex work colleague sent a copy of your article to me. It came as quite a shock as I had no idea the photograph had been taken.”

 ??  ?? The picture we featured.
The picture we featured.
 ??  ?? Dorothy McHugh
Dorothy McHugh

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