Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Healthy living


CHARITY Breast Cancer Care is holding a free event in Dundee to give women advice on living healthily after cancer treatment.

The workshop will take place at Dundee University on September 12 and participan­ts must register in advance by calling 0345 0771893.

FREE knitting classes for all ages and levels of experience are being offered by Leisure and Culture Dundee.

Knit ‘n’ Blether will be held in the Wellbeing Garden on the Reference Library floor of the Wellgate Centre from 2-3pm next Tuesday and on September 3. A MAN who stole £1,500 of jewellery from his parents has been given a noncustodi­al sentence.

Bruce Cattanach, 34, admitted three thefts from his parents’ house between October 29 and October 31 last year.

He stole a ring and a bracelet on October 29, three rings and a necklace on October 30 and a watch and two bracelets on October 31. He also admitted being in control of a car while unfit to drive through drink or drugs on June 28 this year on Langshaw Road and elsewhere in Dundee.

Dundee Sheriff Court was previously told he had carried out the thefts in order to fund his drug habit and confessed to his father before reporting himself to police.

Solicitor for Cattanach Jim Caird asked Sheriff Lorna Drummond to consider imposing an order requiring him to undergo drug treatment.

He added that Cattanach’s mother was in the court for the hearing and was willing to support him through recovery – including allowing him to move in with her.

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