Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Meat left hanging from street sign


RESIDENTS of a Douglas community have been left hor r i fied a nd con f used after a piece of animal flesh was left zip-tied to a street sign.

The meat, which is believed to be the skin of a pig, was first noticed by a dog walker yesterday morning.

It has baffled many in the area, with witnesses struggling to work out why it was strung up on the sign.

The gruesome sight has left others uncomforta­ble, due to the large number of children who live nearby.

One resident of the street, Steven Johnstone, described the sight as “disgusting”.

The 35-year-old father said: “I’m disgusted. It really lowers the tone of the area. It’s probably just kids, I wouldn’t like to think that there is any adult that would do that.

“I’m disappoint­ed when I see it. This is already an area which doesn’t have a great reputation and, like I said, that just lowers the tone of things.”

Concerns have also been raised over the vermin that the rotting meat may bring to the neighbourh­ood.

Steven added: “It’s going to attract gulls, crows, that type of vermin which can be aggressive.

“Also, if it gets hotter plenty of flies are going to come.”

While some locals are disgusted, many others, such as Jimmy Tosh, have been left scratching their heads at the lack of clear meaning or motivation behind the strange act.

He asked: “What’s the reason for it? I wouldn’t expect that around here. I just don’t know what it’s for.”

Jimmy believes the rotting meat is most likely just part of a prank, and added: “It’s just youngsters pulling a prank. I don’t think it’s part of any of the wider things going on, the protests and that.

“It’s just a prank, I think.”

Dundee City Council had not removed the flesh at the time of going to press.

A spokeswoma­n for the city council said: “We are looking into this.”

 ??  ?? The zip-tied piece of flesh left hanging on a street sign in the city’s Douglas housing estate.
The zip-tied piece of flesh left hanging on a street sign in the city’s Douglas housing estate.
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