Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

‘Don’t break in – just ask for help’


A CHURCH has been left shocked a fter a va nda l destroyed their windows.

Members of the Douglas & Mid Craigie Parish Church of Scotland were horrified when they found one of the church’s windows smashed on Thursday.

Neil Campbell, who has been with the church in Balbeggie Place for 10 years, said: “It’s not something you want to walk in on. I felt gutted. It was really disappoint­ing.

“I suspect it was out of desperatio­n, idiocy or simple vandalism, but I’m leaning more towards desperatio­n to be honest. It’s sad to see.”

The church has been working to help those in the local area through lockdown, giving away food.

However, Neil also revealed it had been a tough time financiall­y.

“It couldn’t have come at a worse time,” the church member said.

“It’s going to have a severe impact on us because our usual income is gone. We don’t have people coming in, or anything like that.”

The vandalism has left the community shocked.

Neil said: “Folks seem pretty sickened by what happened.

“We’ve heard that lots of people have already seen folk trying the handles and doors around the area.

“I’m quite shocked. Who would break into a church that’s already giving away things for free? I think there’s just a reaction of shock, anger and frustratio­n from people.

“The thing that gets me is that, if someone needs help, why don’t they just come to us? Don’t smash our windows, just ask.

“To whoever did this, Jesus loves you, but I’m pretty cross with you.”

The attempted break-in comes just weeks after the nearby Craigieban­k Church was broken into. Burglars forced open the fire doors and entered the building, but nothing was stolen. Kathleen Mands, a longtime member of the church, said: “The fire doors were forced open and someone came in. They managed to get into the little shop that we have, but luckily nothing was taken.”

Police Scotland confirmed they were investigat­ing the incident.

 ??  ?? The damaged window and broken glass at the church.
The damaged window and broken glass at the church.
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