Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Nothing false about missing teeth reports


OV E R t he yea rs t here have been all kinds of unusual and wacky finds on Tayside’s beaches.

From strange creatures to messages in bottles from far-flung lands, there have been plenty of talking points.

And it seems the latest find at Carnoustie beach is similarly sure to get people chattering.

One walker got more than they bargained for when they stumbled across a set of teeth lying amid the seaweed.

The falsers, which look to have been carefully maintained and are in good condition, were saved from the tide and a request has now been made for the owners to come forward.

The unusual item of lost property was flagged up on the Our Carnoustie Facebook page.

Pictures of the teeth were posted alongside the message: “Have you lost your teeth? Found on Carnoustie Beach and have placed on this pillar near the boat compound and park.”

Meanwhile, it was suggested that the unusual item may have belonged to “somebody on a boat that didn’t have very good sea legs”.

“I wouldn’t imagine it is the kind of thing you could lose without realising,” mused one dog walker.

“Hopefully there will be a happy ending or else somebody could be looking at a diet of soup through a straw for the forseeable future.”

The find is less explosive than some made on the beach in Carnoustie over the years.

Last August emergency crews rushed to part of the sands near to the golf hotel following reports a suspect device had been discovered.

Specialist officers from the Explosive Ordnance Department (EOD) – part of the Ministry of Defence – were among those who attended to carry out a detailed examinatio­n of the area and members of the public were urged to stay clear.

And as recently as last month it appeared a similar drama was about to unfold when a member of the public discovered what they believed to be ordnance exposed by the low tide. A cordon was put around the site – but officials from the EOD were spared a return trip to Angus as police were able to confirm the suspect items were, in fact, rocks.

 ??  ?? The teeth, found in seaweed on the beach, have been placed on the walkway.
The teeth, found in seaweed on the beach, have been placed on the walkway.
 ??  ??

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