Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Warning budget pressures could halt new road


PANDEMIC budget pressures could put the brakes on Perth and Kinross Council’s flagship Cross Tay Link Road project.

Councillor­s will meet later this month to discuss the fate of the £118 million scheme, which aims to ease city centre congestion and tackle air pollution.

The talks will be part of a wider capital budget review which will look again at some of the region’s biggest investment­s, such as a newbuild Perth High School and the transforma­tion of Perth City Hall.

Perthshire Chamber of Commerce claims the proposed link road could be paused or even rejected after Covid-19 put an estimated £50m strain on council resources.

The business organisati­on argued the project is key to Perth’s future and potential jobs could be lost if it is scrapped.

Chief executive Vicki Unite has urged councillor­s to “show ambition” or see the region “wither”.

She said: “This is a huge decision that will have a massive impact on the future direction and prosperity of the area for years to come. This project must go ahead to protect the future growth of the Perth city region.”

The new road, connecting the A9 over the River Tay with the A93 and A94 north of Scone, has proved controvers­ial, with protests held against its planned route through a new housing estate.

The scheme, which still needs planning permission, generated 50 objections.

Felicity Graham, coconvener of pressure group Perth Area Living Streets, has urged the council to think again.

She said the new road could increase congestion in towns and villages along the A94, and that investment should instead be made in low-traffic solutions, better broadband and tourism projects such as city hall.

Council leader Murray Lyle said the road is “fundamenta­l” to Perth’s future prosperity, adding: “I and my administra­tion support its constructi­on 100% and will make every effort to get approval at the forthcomin­g meeting.”

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