Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Wheelchair user in plea to council after being stuck at home for a year


A FORMER Fife high school teacher has been trapped in his home for a year because he cannot get his wheelchair through the front door.

David MacLean has not been outside since moving into the Fife Council property in Cupar in January as the entrance has a raised threshold.

He was unable to access his bathroom for the first 11 months, and still cannot reach his kitchen sink.

Mr MacLean, who has multiple sclerosis, wants to move to a speciallya­dapted council house that meets his needs but has been told there are none available.

North East Fife MSP Willie Rennie described his plight as distressin­g, and called for an urgent solution.

Fife Council said it was working on a number of options, including looking for alternativ­e housing.

“I haven’t been able to go out for fresh air or into the bathroom to wash my hands,” the 62-year-old said.

He was depute rector of Glenwood High School in Glenrothes until he was medically retired in 2010.

When he was admitted to Adamson Hospital in Cupar with an infection in 2018 it was decided he should stay there until a suitable house was identified for him.

He was stuck in hospital for more than a year before a home was found in the west of the town.

“I finally moved into this one but they hadn’t put a community alarm in,” Mr MacLean said.

“They had to stick me in a care home over last Christmas and New Year until the alarm was fitted. “That was in January. “I haven’t been able to go out for fresh air or into the bathroom to wash my hands since.

“All the things we’re told to do to protect us from Covid, I haven’t been able to do for months.”

Mr MacLean was keen to emphasise the work of the carers who come to the house daily to help him.

“The whole situation is made bearable by the excellent carers I have coming in,” he said.

Lib Dem MSP Mr Rennie said: “I know council officers are working hard to find suitable accommodat­ion or to make his current accommodat­ion suitable.

“But it is distressin­g that David has been put in this situation in the first place.”

Fife Council housing manager Gordon Binnie said the council is working with Mr MacLean to ensure his home is suitable.

“This might involve looking at alternativ­e housing options, and we are discussing this with Mr MacLean,” he said.

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