Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Sandbags at bridge ‘worrying’


PILES of sandbags under Blairgowri­e Bridge have raised fears the vital transport link could be “compromise­d”.

However, a spokespers­on for Perth and Kinross Council gave an assurance the bridge is in no danger and said there were no plans to close it for structural work.

But that has not convinced those who live and work alongside the structure, which dates back to the 18th Century.

A quick glance over the bridge reveals rows of sandbags plugging a gap just feet from the base of one of the bridge’s piers.

Kate Walker, proprietor of Kate Fleming Shooting and Fishing in the town, said: “The state of the bridge is very worrying.

“If that bridge collapses, then Blairgowri­e is stuffed. There is no other way of getting in and out apart from a very, very long way round.

“People that have become aware of it are very worried about it. That sort of erosion will only get worse.”

River convener Robert Kellie also has “great concerns” about the condition of the bridge. He said the damaged weir is having a detrimenta­l impact on the fishing waters along the River Ericht.

The damage is preventing fish from travelling upstream, he claimed. “The fish are not moving through the system as they should be because of this,” he said.

Meanwhile, he shares Kate’s concerns that the erosion has made the structure of the bridge vulnerable.

The council spokespers­on said its structures team was keeping an eye on the condition of the bridge at Blairgowri­e. “We are satisfied that the safety of the bridge has not been compromise­d,” they said.

 ?? ?? Robert Kellie.
Robert Kellie.

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