Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Jump on the latest trend for fitness


YOU might think it’s a form of fitness just for kids, or a great way of getting them to exercise in the garden to give you some peace.

But trampolini­ng can give you some real benefits too.

We asked Rory Fairgrieve, director at Ryze Dundee, and park manager Logan MacLean, to tell us what you’ll get out of it.

And it might persuade you to ditch the gym in favour of a jump on the trampoline instead.

1. Time-saving cardio

Many of us enjoyed the benefits of taking up jogging or running during the pandemic. But trampolini­ng can be a quick way of getting your cardio.

Rory explains trampolini­ng for just 10 minutes gives the equivalent benefits to a 30 minute run. It also stimulates cardiovasc­ular flow in a way that’s beneficial for ridding the body of waste and toxins.

He adds: “Studies show trampolini­ng for 10 minutes is also 68% more effective than a 33 minute cardiovasc­ular workout.” 2. Improve your home-working posture Working from home gives rise to poor posture and closer access to the biscuit tin! Logan explains regular sessions on a trampoline can help posture as well as your general muscle health.

He says: “When you’re bouncing on a trampoline your core muscles are almost constantly engaged, keeping you stable, balanced and meaning a tauter, stronger stomach and lower back.”

And for those of us who have become snacking champions, regular trampolini­ng increases the body’s metabolic rate, increasing its ability to burn calories efficientl­y.

3. Ditch the screens and flip out

We all spend a lot of time in front of screens – for work and in our down time.

Rory says he’s noticed the mental health benefits of putting down your phone and having a go on the trampoline.

He explains: “We’re used to living in a world where we get everything right away – but practising a new skill like bouncing on a trampoline and learning to do the more advanced moves can help build patience in people of all ages.

“That’s why we say that trampolini­ng can be for any age and ability.

“It’s great to watch someone’s face when they’ve been trying and trying to master something like a flip and they finally do it!”

And another added benefit to your mental health is the increase in endorphins as well as the benefits of regular exercise to sleep and helping you relax.

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